27 Nisan 2012 Cuma

Steam Plant Tour, Spokane, WA

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Last Friday, we got the opportunity to tour the Steam Plant building in downtown Spokane. The architects reused the building and turned it into a restaurant as well as offices for some companies. This building had so many interesting features and creative ways to reuse the space. 

This door is a fire door that used to shut automatic, but now is there decoration and seperation between the bathrooms and the restaurant.
 This view is looking up the restaurant and the bar. It shows how high the ceilings are and how it makes it interesting to look around.
 This is an upper view of the bar. I really like the lighting down here. The ceiling above half of the bar was 65 feet high which creates a really open feeling when you're down there.
 This white pipe used to hole 11,000 pounds of coal but the architects cleaned it up and turned it into an office and meeting room. They put windows on the end so you can see in and out. This was one of my favorite things they did with the space.
 This was part of the original building that they used for a wall for a conference room for one of the offices.

 An old radiator was turned into a table.
 We were allowed to go inside one of the smoke stacks in the building.

The architects turned an old rusted pipe into a water fountain and used the smaller pipes for filter the water in. This was right by some tables for the customers. I really liked how they incorporated this into the design.

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