People were also welcome to join in on the fun for $7 to benefit Christ Kitchen. Christ Kitchen is a "job-training project providing work, instruction, discipleship, support, and fellowship for women living in poverty in the Spokane area. Through the production and sales of gourmet dried food products and catered meals, this project enables women to learn to work, to become employable and, eventually, to support themselves and their families without reliance on government programs or destructive relationships."
Thank you to all who participated and helped out to make this yet another successful event for a great cause.The Christ Kitchen Gingerbread Grand Champion is Yokes Fresh Market & Bernardo Willis Architects, PC...The Village of Agraba!
Cinderella's Castle was just 6.5 points behind (judges vote) and for the people's vote...Winnie the Pooh was on their heals too.
Watch the slideshow to see all the amazing Gingerbread Houses. Everything you see is edible! There are also some houses that our Departments at the Davenport built! Enjoy
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